Category: News

National Finalist in the American-Made Solar Prize!

We’re excited to announce that Asoleyo Architectural Solar has been announced as one of 10 national finalists in the US Department of Energy’s American-Made Solar Prize, and has received an additional $175,000 of funding in cash grants and work vouchers for use at any National Laboratory facility. We’ll now go on to compete with ….  Read More

Prototype Solar Cell

Prototype Cells

The First batch of prototype decorative solar cells came off the production line last week, at UNC Charlotte’s William States Lee College of Engineering. Big thanks to UNCC’s Dr. Abasifreke Ebong for allowing me the use of his solar cell fabrication equipment, and to Dr. Ben Damiani, CTO of Solar Inventions, for helping to arrange ….  Read More

Newspaper Headline

Two Mirimantis Projects in the news

Asoleyo Decorative Solar was covered in the local paper, The Fairfax Times: Herndon Designer Turns Solar Panels Into Art I’m also designing and building an interactive telegraph exhibit for the Herndon Historical Society’s Depot Museum, which got local coverage in Reston Now: New Exhibit to Debut at Herndon Depot Museum in March

Mirimantis - Solar Tile

Asoleyo Decorative Tile

Mirimantis’s first major project is Asoleyo Decorative Solar Tile, a proposal that has won funding from the second round Department of Energy’s American Made Solar Prize. Prototyping is under way in preparation for presentation at the next round of the competition, during Carnegie Mellon University’s Energy Week in March, 2020.

Welcome to Mirimantis

Mirimantis, LLC is a new design company, founded by designer and illustrator Adam Winsor. Our first big project is underway, stay tuned for details!